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  2. Troubleshooting
  3. When I’m on a video call on an iOS device, I am not able to see my video from my camera

When I’m on a video call on an iOS device, I am not able to see my video from my camera

Whenever this happens to you, follow the steps below:

  1. Immediately leave the call.
  2. Leave the safari app.
  3. Open your Settings app.

  4. In the Settings app, go to Safari -> Advanced -> Website Data.

  5. On the Website Data page you should see a list of websites including “url.live”, press Edit in the top right corner
  6. Select the red icon beside “url.live”. This will bring up an option to delete this data, press the “delete” option.

  7. “url.live” should no longer be in the list of websites.
  8. Resume making video calls as usual.
Updated on August 13, 2020

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